eMail to customers of specific events

To communicate by email with your customers of specific events, you must choose the event in question in the calendar and use the dark blue Actions button.


Three options are available to you:

  • Email to customers of the current event only.

  • Email to clients of the rest of the day that include clients of the current event as well as all events that follow that day. To contact all customers for a day, simply choose the first event of the day!

  • Email to all clients starting from the current event and all subsequent events in the calendar. Possible case of cancellation of a season (pandemic) for example or simply to inform of a change to your service offer.

See the Email Editor section, which follows, for more details.

eMail to a single customer

To communicate with a specific customer, use the Action menu of the customer's order.

See the Email Editor section, which follows, for more details.

eMail to group members

Pour communiquer avec les membres d'un groupe précis, utilisez le menu Action du groupe. L'option de groupe peut ne pas être disponible pour votre activité.


See the Email Editor section, which follows, for more details.

eMail via MailChimp or other services

Tixigo allows you to communicate with your customers by email to publish news or promotions. This method is very useful if you want to launch a new event or test a new concept. Your current customer base is a great value for your business.

Tixigo allows the export of a list of customers from the menu Report and List of Clients in a file that is compatible with the MailChimp online service. This list includes all customers who have an email and participated in your event during the period chosen in the calendar at the top of the reports page. MailChimp manages batch mailing while complying with the laws that require merchants to meet strict standards such as unsubscribe. The messages to your customers could possibly include a SurveyMonkey survey in order to collect their appreciation as well as their comments or simply their interest for a new concept that you think to develop.

MailChimp offers integration with SurveyMonkey which makes your job easier. Go to the Account menu (accessible by your name at the top right) then the Integrations tab and choose SurveyMonkey.

For more information on Canadian laws, here is a summary:

To send a commercial e-mail message to an e-mail address, you must have the recipient's consent, identify yourself, provide a mechanism to "unsubscribe" and be trustworthy.

  • Consent: You must keep a valid consent form.

How can I obtain express consent?

What is the difference in express consent and tacit consent?

  • Identification: Clearly identify yourself and your organization. You must provide your mailing address, a phone number to access an agent or voicemail system, an email address, or a website address for you or the person on whose behalf you are sending the message.
  • Unsubscribe: Provide an unsubscribe mechanism that is functional for 60 days. See examples of acceptable churn mechanisms.
  • Be trustworthy: Your messages should not be false or misleading. Information about the sender, content, URL and metadata should not be false or misleading.