When setting up your confirmation and reminder email, you can insert a link that will take the customer to the desired web page. This can be used if you want to encourage your client to go to your menu, push him to participate in one of your contests or follow you on your social networks.

The link is added from an HTML code that you insert into the settings of your emails. To go to the e-mail settings, click on the Settings menu, then click Activity / Customization / Settings. Then go to the Confirmation email section.

You can add the code in the title which is the first sentence of the email or in the message which is the content.

HTML code to integrate in your emails:

<a href="https://w w w.your site. com / lapage"> word that leads to the link </a>

The elements in red are to be modified according to your preferences. You must put the link of your internet page between the "". Then, add the hashtag that will take your customers to your web page. Make sure the word is between <>, as shown above.

Thus, this code is used to configure a word or small sentence that leads to an external page. So you have to add text before and / or after the code so that everything makes sense.

My sentence could be: Check out our menu to make your mouth water! The word menu would be my hashtag that will take the customer to the page of my menu. So, I will write in my settings:

Check our <ahref = "https://www.sucreriemontroyal.com/menu"> menu </a> to get you started!

The confirmation email will look like this: